Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Wagner: Strength of Will, Stress and Music

A We continue to explore the effects of healing and music. Join Club VIVO PER LEI/I Live for Music by going HERE.

The genius of Richard Wagner(German composer) is almost unhuman ... As Verdi said, re: Wagner's opera Tristan and Isolde (and Verdi was not an uncritical admirer of Wagner: "I could never quite grasp the fact that it had been created by a mere human being."

Says Magee, in his autobio of Wagner:

"To a serious extent [Wagner] was a victim of his own strength of will. His normal experience was of incessant longings, cravings, yearnings, for things he could not have, or at least did not get. Because of this his life, at any rate until its last 18 years, was a catalogue of frustration -- and because of the power of his will that frustration was of an abnormally high level of intensity. And because of this -- each thing following on from the last -- he was always in a stressed condition.

When one examines the seemingly endless list of physical maladies from which [Wagner] suffered they are nearly all such as are usually **stress disorders -- or what we might now dub psychosomatic illlnesses, though in his day people did not have that concept.

For much of the time he was a sick man bruising himself against the world, against both people and institutions, hurling himself against circumstances, never letting up, making his condidion worse.

For this reason he was profoundly unhappy for most of the time."

He himself wrote that these was never a day in his life he did not contemplate suicide.

**This is an unfair statement, or rather an incomplete one. We know now that our emotions effect every cell in our body, and our immune system, which is our health, and the fact that the term "gut feeling" originated because the vagus nerve extends from our first and real brain (the one in our heads) all the way down to our intestines, or "gut" which is called "the second brain" by scientists. This is why when we're frustated in our heads, as Wagner was, we feel it in our hearts and in our stomachs, and anywhere else in our bodies. The toxins build up, the immune system goes down, and call it whatever you like, the person FEELS BAD and gets SICK.

To help your stress we recommend:

1. EQ - to manage emotions of yourself and other, and to gain the skills to maximize your chance of getting what you want, and

2. Arbonne's Get Well Soon Dietary Supplement, technologically designed to alleviate stress. Designed by the meticulous Swiss and built in the USA.

So ... the question we ask in our FAVORITE MUSIC SURVEY is ... do you have to be miserable and have suffered in order to write great music? Go HEREto take the Survey. support your immune system while you beat your head against some brick walls!

May they be few and easily broken down ... unlike you on Arbonne's GET WELL SOON DIETARY SUPPLEMENT
SCHEDULE YOUR HOLIDAY PREP COACHING CALL NOW. "Home is where you hang your head." ??? NOT THIS YEAR!


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