In preparation for Thanksgiving
In the EQ Checkin(tm), we ask "How are you feeling emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually." I begin each EQ coach training teleclass with The EQ Checkin(tm). Some responses I've gotten are:
How are you feeling spiritually? How are YOU feeling spiritually? Your answer to this may relate highly to the state of your health. Various aspects of spirituality -- or "religiosity" -- have been linked positively to wellbeing. The Duke Spiritualy and Health website gives summaries of recent research done in this area you might be interested to read. Be sure and notice the definitions they use for the different terms, and the difference between "believing" v. "attending services" v. watching religious TV or listening to religious radio. Studies were conducted re: religious participation and survival, blood pressure, recovery from depression, healthy living, use of health services, immune function, well-being, and alcoholism. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE RESULTS YOU'LL FIND:
ALCOHOLISM Those who "attended religious services weekly or more" were 71% less likely to have alcoholism in past 6 months and 52% less likely to have it in their life-time. However, the highest rates of lifetime alcoholism were found among Pentecostals. Dr. Harold G. Koenig is the researcher. Have you taken The EQ Foundation Course(c)? Check it out. GRATITUDE has also been shown to improve immune function and health. You can see how it would relate to the EQ competency of optimism. While we all may have our pains and struggles, we also always have things to be grateful for, yes? We have a great national day of celebrating Thanksgiving coming up; a great time to focus on the good things in our lives, past and present. However you celebrate the day, enjoy feelings of gratitude. |