Monday, January 30, 2006



Yes, they say you choose being angry or not, and you can choose who can embarass you, and who can demean or humilitate you. It's true, but it's also an ideal. It's the reaction you can choose, with age, and with practice. The emotions are what they are. Part of living in a society is having a conscience, and along with this comes "shame". It's also part of learning ... at first you can't do it, then you start learning and get it right some of the time. For some people, making a mistake, or doing it wrong, or having egg on your face is very shaming, and for others not so much, for we all have our moments.

I heard one story today about a boy who humiliated by a teacher in front of his middle school class, and then observed another situation where a middle-aged employee was humiliated in front of her co-workers.

I don't like it. For them -- for you -- for all of us --

"The horror of that moment," the King went on,
"I shall never, never forget!"
"You will, though," the Queen said,
"if you don't make a memorandum of it."
~ Lewis Carroll

To all the bullies out there: Hey Mister Bigshot. Learn some EQ and quit picking on other people because you feel so inadequate yourself!

Read Susan's latest ebook, "Mobbing and Bullying: What It Is, What You Can Do About It"

Fortify yourself with Arbonne's Defense Builder. In this ole world we need all the help we can get.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ray Garrett, Jr., former chairman of the SEC

August 1920 - February 1980

The 26th Annual Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Law Institute will take place May 4-5, 2006, in Chicago.

The Institute was established in memory of Ray Garrett Jr., Chairman of the SEC, member of the faculty of Northwestern University School of Law, and partner in the Chicago office of Gardner Carton & Douglas LLP.

A graduate of Yale, and Harvard Law School, Garrett served as an artillery officer in World War II, taking part in the Battle of the Bulge, and in the 50s worked for the SEC as the head of the Corporate Regulation Division. He was the beloved father of four. He died of cancer in February, 1980.

The Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Law Institute is "designed to provide private practitioners and corporate counsel with a timely analysis of current and critical securities and corporate law issues, and developments confronting publicly and privately held corporations."

Known for his charisma and genius, solid understanding of the law, and ability to build consensus, he took the reins of the SEC at a difficult time, overseeing the deregulation of stock commissions. In his short lifetime he achieved much and his legacy continues.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bullying in the UK? In the Office of the Deputy PM??


Le mobbing est un poison lent
Mobbing ist ein leises Gift Zuletzt geändert
The Germans and the French call it "the slow poison."

“Mobbing can be understood as the stressor to beat all stressors,” says Dr. Kenneth Westhaus, U. of Waterloo, author of “Eliminating Professors.” According to him, the typical mob victim is a good-to-high achiever personally invested in a formally secure job who somehow threatens or shames co--workers or managers who then decide to get rid of him or her.

However, bullying is complex, and there are other reasons.

I coach clients on mobbing and bullying, both the abused, and the managers who are trying to identify it early and get rid of it. In my experience, it is often the best workers, serious people, introverts, just plain nice people. When it rears its ugly head, it upsets other workers, demoralizes, demeans, lowers productivity, causes lack of focus, raises stress, and causes increased illness, absenteeism and "presenteeism."

At the human level, it's wrong, wrong to treat people that way. At the corporate level, it can lead to exposure, and if the reputation is established cause current good employees to leave (wouldn't you?) and drive good applicants away. Word gets around, you know. As I was explaining to an HR manager the other day, "No, it is not a 'just get over it' kind of thing."

Has it happened to you? Is it happening to you now? Why does it happen? Read my article, Mobbing & Bullying in the Workplace: Has This Happened to You?

We believe, along with that "Everyone has the right to be respected and the responsiblity to respect others."

Read my ebook: "Mobbing, Bullying and What to Do About It"

Today from BBC -- MPs on the committee which covers the work of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (OPDM) in the UK are demanding action after Deputy PM John Prescott's department was accused of bullying, with one in 10 workers claiming to have been victimised in the past year. We are shocked and saddened.

22% say they've witness unfair behavior.


"The survey results were revealed in the annual report and accounts of the ODPM, which covers housing, planning, local government and the regions.

"The department should take steps immediately to reinforce the message that bullying and intimidation is unacceptable


"The survey found 10% of staff felt they had been bullied in the past year, 8% had experienced discrimination and 6% reported harassment.

"Some 22% of staff had witnessed unfair treatment and a larger proportion of black or black British staff (14%) had experienced discrimination than other staff.

"The survey also found disabled people were more likely to have suffered discrimination and revealed that a third of staff did not know how to report unfair treatment."

The UK and European Union are definitely ahead in the area of bullying and mobbing. There is even a clinic in German that deals exclusively with victims of mobbing and bullying.

To read the whole article go here.

If this is happening to you and you would like some coaching, please give me a call at 210-496-0678 or email me at . When someone's being mobbed or bullied, you can't think straight - that's part of the strategy. It helps to have an objective person to help give clarification and strategy, someone who's in your corner.

Resources & Information:

Stop Bullying Now
Feeling stressed? Take extra care of yourself with healthy, pure natural products and nutraceuticals from ARBONNE. Our emotions effect our immune systems. Try the DefenseBuilder from Arbonne, technologically advanced formula, scientifically proven to nutritionally support the immune system. (Your immune system is your only defense against viruses, like flu, and Bird flu. We study EQ because emotions effect the immune system, and we want to keep it as healthy as possible. )

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's About Your Health


ARBONNE & EQ - It's all about your health.

A balanced life includes mental, physical and emotional nutrition.
Now you can shop with me safely online for nutraceuticals, anti-aging skincare, cosmetics, natural hormone replacements, shaving cream. All pure, natural ingredients that don't add more toxins to your environment. Viruses (like flu, and bird flu) can't be treated with antibiotics; your health depends on the health of your immune system. Take a look at Arbonne's DefenseBuilder and Get Well Soon Dietary Supplement.

These are the laws of the natural universe:

Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.

Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

Law of the Telephone: When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.

Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.

Variation Law: If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now. (works every time)

Bath Theorem: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

Law of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

Law of the Result: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.

Law of Biomechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the

Theatre Rule: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last

Law of Coffee: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

Murphy's Law of Lockers: If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.

Law of Dirty Rugs/Carpets: The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet/rug.

Law of Location: No matter where you go, there you are.

Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly.

Oliver's Law: A closed mouth gathers no feet

Saturday, January 21, 2006

EQ: It's All About Your Health


I think there's some good folk wisdom in this article, about what you eat and how you eat it, what you put on your body and in your body.

Did you know that what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream? We recommend Arbonne nutraceuticals and skin care products because they have pure, natural ingredients. Check it out HERE.

Studying Emotional Intelligence is like the Qi-gong and Meditation he talks about. It encompasses many things that can help your total wellness. For coaching, email me at .

Enjoy today's article about total health.

"An African Bush Doctor's Prescription For Better Health,"
by Christopher Ricardo Scipio

Bush Medicine is traditional herbal medicine - the oldest system of healing in the world. Bush medicine started in Africa about 30,000 years ago. In the African-Caribbean culture plants are referred to as "Bush" such as "fever bush" or "toothache bush and are revered for their healing and spiritual properties".

Every culture in world practiced and still practices bush medicine to treat the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual problems of the people. Today 70% of the world's population still uses traditional herbal medicine (bush medicine) as it's
primary source of health care.

For the past 75 years medical doctors and drug companies have tried to discredit traditional herbal medicine while at the same time sending ethnobotanists all around the world to acquire the knowledge of local plants from bush doctors in order to make new pharmaceutical drugs. Often once a drug company has appropriated local plant knowledge- usually without compensating the locals in any way, they patent the plants and pressure the governments into banning the local population from having access to the plants they have depended on for millennia. Fortunately there is now a worldwide effort underway to protect local plant knowledge from unethical exploitation. People are returning to their traditional herbalists because of the
failure of pharmaceutical drugs to treat chronic health problems safely and effectively.

I am from a long line of African bush doctors. My family has practiced traditional herbal medicine for many generations. My grandmother was a prominent bush doctor in Trinidad, the country of my birth. The African-Caribbean culture is a largely intact culture where we have retained much of the knowledge of our bush doctors. Here are some simple tips for improving your health from me, Christopher Scipio- your friendly neighbourhood bush doctor.

1. Eat less. Unless you are very physically active you are probably eating a third more calories than you need. Excessive caloric intake is one of the biggest factors in reducing life expectancy.

2. Don't eat alone. People eat too quickly, chew their food less, and tend to consume less nutritional meals when they are eating alone. Having company provides many health benefits and is much better for your mental and emotional well-being.

2A. Pay attention to your eating environment. Loud noises, lack of a comfortable sitting position, too many distractions and a less than peaceful environment can all contribute to digestive problems and may cascade into other health issues. Eating in a relaxed quiet environment with good company is a great habit to get into.

3. Along the theme of eating less- use smaller plates and cutlery and consider using chop sticks or your fingers to eat with. The oversized cutlery just promotes the wolfing down of food. I love using chopsticks for lots of different kinds of meals and there is much sensual pleasure with eating with your fingers the way we Africans do.

4. Reduce your carbs, especially bread and pasta. Obesity and many of the health problems that go with it like diabetes were virtually unknown until we started consuming such large quantities of bread, pasta and baked goods. I recommend not eating bread or pasta more than 3-4 times per week and substituting beans and dishes like hummous as a replacement.

5. Get and use a juicer. The juice you buy in a store is dead. Many juice enzymes die within an hour of extraction. Most juices have been pasteurized to further deplete their nutritional value. Making your own juice is a joy. I like starting the day with a blend of carrot, apple, Hawaiian ginger and beet juice, but there are so many juices to discover. I recommend the book on healing juices by Heinermann.

6, Cook your own food. It is more than worth the time. I know you are busy but you can work cooking into any schedule. Consider getting a slow cooker. Consider cooking large batches on your days off and keeping them ready in the freezer. Cooking your own food is the only way of knowing what actually is put into your food, plus it sends the right message to your body that you care.

6A. Don't assume restaurant food is healthy. Many restaurants are fond of using iceberg lettuce which is very cheap and is usually grown in high-tech hydroponic factories but has virtually no nutritional value and don't even ask about the
chemicals used to keep lettuce looking "fresh". Most restaurants don't use organic ingredients and many restaurants use microwaves to heat their meals. Just take a tour of the kitchen of your favourite restaurants and you may be horrified.

7. Bless your food and remember where it comes from. This modern life is a very disconnected from reality kind of life. Often there is little though given to where food comes from, how it was harvested and processed and by whom? Do you know where you food came from? If not you better bless it and bless it well before you take it and all the vibes that go along with it into your sensitive body.

8. Balance yourself daily with yoga, tai-chi or Qi- gong. 20 minutes a day in your own home of one of these practices and I'll personally guarantee your health will improve no matter how healthy you were before-hand. You can go to classes as well
but what I recommend is that you empower yourself by learning how to do simple routines at home so you are not dependant on a class.

9. Get and give a massage at least once per month. Weekly is even better. Give and receive this vital practice as often as possible. Even a mediocre massage is better than none at all so recruit your partner or a friend if you cannot access a
professional and don't be reluctant to lay your hands on others as well.

10. Love More. Love is the ultimate healing. Love your partner, love children, love your neighbours, love your community, love the environment, love your God, love your life, love yourself.

11. Don't forget to laugh. Laughter is great medicine. Give yourself permission to be silly, don't be so serious and you'll have a longer and happy life.

12. Just say no to drugs. Ronald and Nancy Regan were worried about recreational drugs and I agree that recreational drugs are harmful to your health but the drugs that I see devastating the community's health the most are coffee, alcohol and cigarettes- in that order. Don't believe the self-serving propaganda from the Starbucks lobby about the possible benefits of drinking coffee. There are no net benefits to drinking coffee and it is particularly devastating to women's health as is heavy alcohol consumption and cigarettes.

13. Eat like an adult not a child. You a big boy/girl now so eat like one. Don't be a slave to cravings and food addictions. Eat for nutritional value and not strictly for taste or as an emotional panacea. On my hot list of non-nutritional foods are chocolate, ice cream, sodas, white bread, white rice, and white pasta.

14. Eat soft foods. Eat wet foods. Softer foods are much easier for your body to digest and are much more likely to have a high water content. Wet foods are also easier to digest and help provide the water you need. Your body is mostly water, the earth is mostly water, so try to limit dry, hard, dead foods like crackers, bread, and cereals and embrace soft wet foods like soups, purees (I love hummous and baba ganoush), fruit, steamed vegetables, smoothies, organic plain yoghurt, etc.

The human body is a wondrous miracle of engineering and grace. Treat your body well and it will reward you with many years of health and happiness. Neglect or abuse your body at your own peril.

Christopher Scipio
African Bush Doctor

About The Author: Coming from a long-line of African-Caribbean traditional healers who have never forgotten the power and importance of plant medicine, Christopher Scipio has 15 years of experience in treating herpes, cervical dysplasia, menopause
and peri-menopuase, pain management, anxiety, digestive disorders, and other conditions. .

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Life Coach, Another Trend?


I thought you might enjoy this article today. It's a fair summary. I'd add that you need a certified coach. I'm very proud of the coaches I certify. Also that the best way is to test out the fit. Email with a coach, read his or her ezine, have the free introductory session, so you can see how it feels. How it feels - that's intuition and an EQ competency. Education, credentials and AGE are also important, as well as length of time in related fields. It's one of those fields where you just have to have had a lot of life experience, and likewise, to work with people in this way can only be learned through experience. It starts with book learning and certification. It goes on from there by actual client-hour contact.

Remember that joke. The good news: Your doctor graduated first in her class. The bad news: It was last year.

One thing we want to know is that it isn't a "fad." I think that's what she meant to say instead of "trend." It's obviously a trend that we're on the upside of the curve for. New coaches popping up all the time, coverage in the media, articles on the Internet, and people beginning to see it's what's been missing all along (psychology has such a negative focus, and therapy is good for what it's good for - and not for what COACHING IS GOOD FOR.

I also favor a generalist. Yes, if you specifically want to know how to organize a day, a daytimer and a very narrow coach might fit the bill. (Or just a daytimer). But for most things brought for coaching, it requires a broad base of knowledge, education and experience, because ... as good certified coaches know ... it's all intertwined. There's no such thing as "just a career issue."
Guest article by Devlyn:
"Go-Go-Go" Is life coaching another American New Age fad, delivering yet another empty promise of helping us live better lives?

Whether we want to lose weight, get a new job, succeed in business, more education, relationship help, financial relief, smoking, drugs or alcohol cessation, help with depression, overall happiness and countless others, everyone has changes we'd like to see made in our lives.

We are forever setting goals and hoping for changes. New Years is a famous time, but rarely do we find success. Certain seasons and events in our lives push our buttons and we try over and over but rigid patterns of behavior prevent us from making the changes we want.

To make sweeping changes in our lives is difficult and we tend to feel stuck and helpless when we fail to do so. We often blame ourselves and become resigned to the idea that we are who we are and that change is impossible, repeating our patterns in
an endless cycle of frustration. As Freud put it, "We tend to recreate in our lives that which we have not worked through."

There are many professional approaches to assist in learning about ourselves and changing our patterns of behavior. Some approaches are better than others and sometimes one approach can have amazing effects on one individual and yield less than
satisfactory results with another.

Life coaching is a relatively new approach to improving one's overall condition and as such, some may feel unsure about its robustness. But consider that much of what is mainstream today was once viewed as new and cutting edge, even controversial is
some cases, such as the notion of a round earth. People once held the strong conviction that the earth was flat until it was proved otherwise. Life coaching is becoming more mainstream because it is proactive and delivers positive results.

As its popularity grows, more people are starting to ask, "What is life coaching?" Think of life coaching as much like coaching sports. In sports the goals are clear and the techniques to accomplish them are learned by those playing them. Coaches
review these techniques with players, making sure they practice the right steps to accomplish the desired results. During a game, a coach is watching to see if the proper techniques are applied, pushing and motivating the players to perform them.

Certain goals may seem too ambitious to confront or even know where to begin. As daunting as these goals may be, specific methods do exist to accomplish them. A qualified life coach can break down your goals so that you know where to start and what specific steps to take to ultimately accomplish them. However, just knowing what to do is often not enough because we get in our own way. We tell ourselves that we lack the time or the money; we'll get to it later; we'll start tomorrow; this one
time is ok; I'll have a last piece of cake, cigarette or drink; or it's not my fault I don't feel good. These fixed ideas are what prevent us from the changes we want.

Once goals are broken down into manageable steps, a life coach will be there to assess progress and motivate the individual toward consistent behavior patterns that produce results. Not only will permanent successful routines be established, but
they will bring about new actions that achieve even higher levels of success. There won't be any cheerleaders there to shout as you score, but you will certainly be smiling all the same as you are finally making the changes you want and enjoying new winning patterns and results in your life.

But don't get too excited yet. Simply dialing your local life coach won't guarantee success. As with all professions, there are varying degrees of expertise and ability. Life coaching also lacks conformity to a universal approach; however, as the
practice continues to take hold, a standard methodology will become more defined.

To insure that you will obtain the results you want, find out if anyone you know has used a life coach before deciding on one. If not, ask the perspective coach for references and a clear picture of their overall approach. Also make sure you are
comfortable with the person.

If you are ready to get into action and start living your life with new results, look into finding a qualified life coach and remember that we each do have the ability to change and create the lives we want.

About The Author: About Tools To Life Developed by Life Coach Devlyn Steele, Tools To Life is a revolution in self- development, a 77-day program in which thousands have implemented successful changes in their lives. Devlyn Steele is a public consultant, a private counselor, a radio host and an author. visit:

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Supreme Court Upholds Oregon Assisted-Suicide

Read the full article here

What if you were in terrible pain, unable to move, or maybe to think, and the doctors gave you 0% chance of recovery. Would you want to continue living under those conditions? Would you want to decide your fate, or would you want to leave it up to a doctor, a friend, your husband, or your grown kid?

FROM TODAY'S MAILBAG, from a reader: "I'm not sure if this is an EQ topic, but it's certainly an emotional one, the supreme court ruling on physician-assisted suicide. On the website, there's a protester with a sign that says "You would do it for your dog, wouldn't you?" What's the difference between euthanizing your dog or euthanizing your wife if they were terminally ill and suffering? I've watched both my parents die slowly from cancer, and when my dog got cancer, I was heart-broken, but I thought, at least I can put Sugar out of her pain when the time comes. Signed, Reader in Paradise Cove.

Dear Reader in Paradise Cove: I'm not sure there's a question in this email, sir. It's all about EQ, however. Issues such as these, we feel deeply about, and some of us think deeply about. Some tend to think more, some to feel more. Here are some of the reactions around me today:

  • I was interested to see the federal court bow to the state court.
  • Now there will be a medical specialty for doctors who specialize in telling people how to kill themselves, and providing the means, and they'll get rich. WOnder what it will be called. Maybe a PA ... it isn't nearly as hard to kill someone as it is to keep them alive. Or something like a Midwife. Endlife?
  • Why do you need a doctor to kill yourself?
  • The Hippocratic Oath says "first do no harm." Now, are you doing harm by helping the person die, or by continuing for them to be in terrible pain for instance.
  • I think it's a slippery slope. Look at all the in compus mentis (?) law suits, like when Granny is rich and old and suddenly gets s boyfriend and disinherits her family. They could get the money that much sooner if they could get her suicided.
  • I've seen the courts made some bad calls about who is in sound mind and who isn't.
  • My grandfather, he was in a nursing home and too weak to even feed himself. I mean he couldn't lift his arms. He said he wanted to kill himself. They called in a psychiatrist who got 6 weeks of therapy billed to the government on the basis that he might kill himself. That's just plain crazy.

    I took part in Medical Ethics Seminars some years ago. One of the facts that came out was that something like 90% of the citizens in the US would not be able to say what their father would want (say like if he's paralyzed from the waist down, has Alzheimers, is in chronic pain from osteoarthritis) as opposed to what they, themselv would want. This is like when your kids are young and they buy you a present, it's something they would want for themselves, like a doll or a toy train. A little bit farther down the line they move to where they would get you something YOU like, like some perfume. Ultimately they may even notice what your favorite brand of perfume is, and get you that. (Some husbands never make it that far!)

    This is about the EQ competency of empathy.

    At any rate, the poll on is currently running
    77% think it's absolutely correct, an individual should be allowed to say, not the government.
    9% think it sounds right, the states should decide for themselves.
    3% think it's a bit much, and federal regulations should step in.
    10% think it is absolutely wrong, that law must protect human life always, at all costs.
    1% say they don't know.

    As to these results, please be sure and read this great article on how to interpret at poll and what msn thinks about this very one.

    Well, it's for sure it's a landmark decision. I have many thoughts and feelings about it myself. If it were on me to cast the deciding vote, I would have to give it a bit more thought.
    ARBONNE for your health. Get well and stay with with Arbonne nutraceuticals.

  • Saturday, January 14, 2006

    Military Wisdom

    "The best defense is a good offense." Get started today with Arbonne's DefenseBuilder, for your health.


    "You, you, and you ... panic. The rest of you, come with me."
    - U.S. Marine Corp Gunnery Sgt.
    Making the rounds of the Internet, called Military Wisdom. Notice it's not called Military Intelligence. "Wisdom" is in the realm of emotional intelligence. Knowing the enemy is within range is intelligence. Knowing that means you are as well, is Emotional Intelligence.

    A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit."
    - Army's magazine of preventive maintenance.
    "Aim towards the Enemy."
    - Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher
    "When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
    - U.S. Marine Corps training manual
    "Cluster bombing from B-52s are very, very accurate. The bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground."
    - USAF Ammo Troop
    "If the enemy is in range, so are you."
    - Infantry Journal
    "It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed."
    - U.S. Air Force Pilot training manual
    "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
    - General MacArthur
    "Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo."
    - Infantry Journal
    "Tracers work both ways."
    - U.S. Army Ordnance officer
    "Five second fuses only last three seconds."
    - Infantry Journal
    Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid."
    - David Hackworth
    "If your attack is going too well, your walking into an ambush."
    - Infantry Journal
    "No combat-ready unit has ever passed inspection."
    - Joe Gay
    "Any ship can be a minesweeper... once."
    - Anonymous
    "Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do."
    - Unknown Marine Recruit
    "Don't draw fire; it irritates the people around you."
    - Your Buddies
    "If you see a bomb technician running, follow him."
    - USAF Ammo Troop
    "Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death... I Shall Fear No Evil. For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing."
    - At the entrance to the old SR-71 operating base, Kadena, Japan
    "You've never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3."
    - Paul F. Crickmore (test pilot)
    "The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire."
    "Blue water Navy truism: There are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky."
    --From an old carrier sailor
    "If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, it's probably a helicopter -- and therefore, unsafe."
    "When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane you always have enough power left
    to get you to the scene of the crash."
    "What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots? If a pilot screws up, the pilot dies; If ATC screws up, .... the pilot dies."
    "Never trade luck for skill."
    The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in aviation are: "Why is it doing that?", "Where the hell are we?" and "Oh Shit!"
    "Weather forecasts are horoscopes with numbers."
    "Progress in airline flying: now a flight attendant can get a pilot pregnant."
    "Mankind has a perfect record in aviation; we never left one up there!"
    "Flashlights are tubular metal containers kept in a flight bag for the purpose of storing dead batteries."
    "Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your plight to a person on the ground incapable of understanding or doing anything about it."
    "Just remember, if you crash because of weather, your funeral will be held on a sunny day."
    Advice given to RAF pilots during WWII: "When a prang (crash) seems inevitable, endeavor to strike the softest, cheapest object in the vicinity as slowly and gently as possible."
    "The Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you."
    - Attributed to Max Stanley (Northrop test pilot)
    "Never fly in the same cockpit with someone braver than you."
    "There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm in peacetime."
    - Sign over squadron ops desk at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ,
    "If something hasn't broken on your helicopter, it's about to."
    Basic Flying Rules: "Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there."
    As the test pilot climbs out of the experimental aircraft, having torn off the wings and tail in the crash landing, the crash truck arrives, the rescuer sees a bloodied pilot and asks, "What happened?". The pilot's reply: "I don't know, I just got here myself!"
    - Attributed to Ray Crandell (Lockheed test pilot)
    Learn how to stay in the middle of the air during your day, with the EQ Alive! Program. It's all about positioning yourself - - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
    Are you an MLM? Position yourself as a certified Preventive Healthcare Coach. Add clout to what you recommend, and enhance your ability to attract and keep customers. Encompass an enormous range of products under your umbrella. Email me for information on the coach training and certification program. or call 210-496-0678.

    Wednesday, January 11, 2006

    Here in the Allergy Capital of the US

    OVERWHELMED? Stress can make you sick. Try a prescription of emotional intelligence and nutraceuticals!

    San Antonio, where I live, is currently one of the allergy hotspots in the nation. Many people are coming down with bronchitis, and even pneumonia. I stay well with Arbonne NUTRACEUTICALS. I recommend DefenseBuilder.

    We know we attract what we put out there. If you want to change your WORLD, change YOU.

    I hear this from clients all the time after they've taken the EQ Alive! Program - -"My whole life has changed."

    If you're looking for a new you in the new year, how about coaching? It will speed up your progress.

    If you've been putting the same things on your list of resolutions each year, or if you've already broken this year's, isn't that a clue that you need something different. Try coaching! That's what coaching is for.

    A new you can start with your makeup. Take a look HERE for the help you need. Arbonne has makeup that can enhance your appearance on the outside as you change on the inside. Arbonne products have pure, natural ingredients, and this is crucial because what you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream.

    also offers a full Figure 8 Weight Loss System

    And don't forget those all important nutraceuticals while you're getting in shape. We study EQ for Whole-Health - - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Our emotions effect our immune system, and our immune system is our health. Arbonne's nutraceuticals will help you get well and stay well.

    Monday, January 09, 2006

    Q: Why do angels play harps? A: Read on.

    To join CLub Vivo Per Lei / I Live for Music, go here (or copy and paste:

    QUESTION: Why is it an archetype that in heaven there are angels playing harps?

    ANSWER: Read on.

    In Club Vivo Per Lei / I Live for Music, one of our EQ outreach and educational project (free to all subscribers), we realize the soothing and healing powers of music.

    As one listener wrote to, which is FR** and we highly recommend it: "I've been hearing you and the other announcers talk about listening at work. I agree that classical music helps me keep psychologically and emotionally more even keel while I work as a freelance journalist.

    "Today I was on an espcially tight deadline and couldn't mess around. Having classical music playing at my desk and in my car helps keep in check my natural tendency to stress out. Keep up the good work on 89.9 FM."

    We direct you today to an article on msn entitled, "Harp has power to soothe, but can it heal? Instrument shows potential to synchronize irregular heartbeats."

    Jennifer MacKinnon, a physician with a degree in music played the harp for a patient under sedation while doctors observed the effects on heart rhythm in what was aptly described as "some weird sci-fi melding of heaven and high-tech Earth." The
    patient had afibrillation, irregular heart-beat.

    Interest was whetted when Dr. Ary Goldberger of Harvard Medical School proposed the theory that varied rhythms created by healthy hearts are similar to note patterns in classical music. This impelled Kocheril and MacKinnon to research the notion that music can alleviate some of the mental and physical symptoms of disease.

    Bravo! At Club Vivo, we know for sure a tonic of classical music adheres to the first dictum of medicine, the Hoppocratic Oath: "First of all, do no harm."

    “People know that music relaxes you. We’re just trying to get more medical validation,” said Dr. MacKinnon... She took up harp-playing at age 10 and as a child, used to play for patients of her father, also a physician."

    We discuss in Club Vivo, the common association of healing and music, represented by the archetype of Apollo, the Greek god of Medicine and Music. What's being discussed now was known centuries ago. That's what an archetype is all about, similar to the depiction of angels in heaven playing harps.

    Some believe the harp has special propensity for healing because the resonant vibrations from live harp music may be particularly effective at regulating
    quivering heart rhythms. [Note it says "live" harp music."] Other musical instruments and recorded music might offer similar benefits, Kocheril said, making a “music prescription” easier to follow. "Potentially, there could be a prescription for music five days a week ... to keep the heart healthy in general and specifically to keep rhythm disorders under control."

    There is at least one music therapist who offers her clients an hour of her own live harp playing. She uses it to relieve chronic pain, such as that from osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.

    Bizarre to me, a doctor speculates against the inclusion in the operating room of "the elegant but unwieldy harp" when the room is already accommodating a rash of unwieldy and not elegant equipment.

    And being of the right brain sort, well whole-brained, I immediately jump to the hypothesis (which is simply a learning-based speculation which research must go on to "prve") that, knowing doctors as I do, and their affinity for music, the presence of harp playing in the operating room would definitely help the physicians and what helps your doctor helps you, as they are, like it not, known to be a factor in your healing. Not just their hands, but their personalities, their presence. (We recommend and offer a version of the EQ Alive! Program for physicians. Please refer this information.)
    THE REPLAY STORE - - for your music needs

    Our Replay store endeavors to make music appreciation accessible to everyone, regardless of your pocketboook.

    Please check with me before you order, because I can't seem to keep these in stock, the demand has been so high. Currently I have only one of the "Understanding Opera," which I offer for a bargain price of $77.00

    It is our goal to offer you dramatic savings on one of the best experiences you can buy -- tapes and CDs from The Teaching Company.

    You'll have an opportunity to learn with the teachers who teach at the schools where a college education costs $100k, and is worth 10 times that. Our gently-used collection gives you the opportunity to enjoy these at incredible savings.

    The more you're comfortable with music, the more it can help. Common sense (EQ) would advise that, if you're puzzling about the Italian in "Ave Maria" or "Va'Pensiero" two of the most soothing/inspiring works there are, you won't be relaxed. Learn more. The more you know ... the more you know.
    Now, the Celtic harp music has long enchanted me, and we know that the Irish claim the kingdom of lullabies, which is a heaven unto itself. And what is a lullaby, but the soothing of the most distraught person there is - - a newborn trying to adjust to living on dry land. The Irish have no contenders in the realm of lullabies. My favorite it The Garten Mother's Lullaby.

    We recommend My Gentle Harp: Celtic Favorites. Listen to "The Harp that Once Through Tara's Halls." To order, go HERE or copy and paste:

    In Club Vivo Per Lei / I Live for Music, we're learning more about music and EQ and we invite you to join us today. It's free. My gift to you!

    Club Vivo Per Lei is dedicated to a physician, Dr. John J. Alifano, Jr., who practises in Massachusetts, and is an accomplished pianist. His favorite composer is Rachmaninoff, which he plays beautifully. Many may not claim Rachmaninoff to be not necessarily be their "favorite" (Beethoven is the King!), but many consider it the most healing. On Club Vivo you will find an article written by a physician about a patient's experience with Rachmaninoff (also spelled Rachmaninov.)


    P.S. If Beethoven's not your favorite, and even if he is, let us know. Take the Music Survey. Your opinion counts.
    ARBONNE's Nutraceuticals and anti-aging skin care products, cosmetics with pure natural ingredients - - for your health. For a NEW YOU in the NEW YEAR>

    Saturday, January 07, 2006

    How not to succeed with those new year's resolutions

    ABOUT THOSE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS: It's always good to look at what doesn't work!

    "7 Habits Of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People," by author Rene Graeber

    WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that incompetent people do.

    NUMBER 1 - They Think, Say, & Do Negative Things.

    Yes. They see problems in EVERY opportunity.

    They complain that the sun is too hot. They cursed the rain for ruining their plans for the day. They blame the wind for ruining their hair.

    They think that everyone is against them. They see the problems but never the solutions.

    Every little bit of difficulty is exaggerated to the point of tragedy. They regard failures as catastrophes.

    They become discouraged easily instead of learning from their mistakes.

    They never seem to move forward because they're always afraid to come out of their comfort zones.

    NUMBER 2 - They Act Before They Think.
    They move based on instinct or impulse. If they see something they like, they buy at once without any second thought.

    Then they see something better. They regret & curse for not able to take advantage of the bargain.

    Then they spend & spend again until nothing's left. They don't think about the future. What they're after is the pleasure they will experience at present.

    They don't think about the consequences. Those who engage in unsafe sex, criminality, and the like are included in this group.

    NUMBER 3 - They Talk Much More Than They Listen

    They want to be the star of the show. So they always engage in talks that would make them heroes, even to the point of lying.

    Oftentimes they are not aware that what they're saying is not sensible anymore.

    When other people advise them, they close their ears because they're too proud to admit their mistakes.

    In their mind they're always correct. They reject suggestions because that will make them feel inferior.

    NUMBER 4 - They Give Up Easily

    Successful people treat failures as stepping stones to success.

    Incompetent ones call it quits upon recognizing the first signs of failure.

    At first, they may be excited to start an endeavor. But then they lose interest fairly quickly, especially when they encounter errors.

    Then they go & search for a new one. Same story & same results. Incompetent people don't have the persistence to go on and fulfill their dreams.

    NUMBER 5 - They Try to Bring Others Down To Their Level

    Incompetent people envy other successful individuals. Instead of working hard to be like them, these incompetent ones spread rumors and try every dirty trick to bring them down.

    They could've asked these successful ones nicely. But no, they're too proud. They don't want to ask advise. Moreover, they're too negative to accomplish anything.

    NUMBER 6 - They Waste Their Time

    They don't know what to do next. They may just be contented on eating, getting drunk, watching TV, or worse, staring at the blank wall with no thoughts whatsoever to improve their lives.

    It's perfectly fine to enjoy once in a while. But time should be managed efficiently in order to succeed. There should be a proper balance between work & pleasure.

    NUMBER 7 - They Take the Easy Way Out

    If there are two roads to choose from, incompetent people would choose the wider road with less rewards than the narrower road with much better rewards at the end.

    They don't want any suffering or hardship. They want a good life.

    What these people don't know is that what you reap is what you sow. Efforts & action will not go unnoticed.

    If only they would be willing to sacrifice a little, they would be much better off.

    Successful people made it through trials & error. They never give up. They are willing to do everything necessary to achieve what they aspire for in life.

    About The Author: Do you believe that you can attain anything your heart desires? I'm telling you, you can! Rene Graeber uses and teaches will power and mind control for more than 10 years. Visit his website and learn how to unleash your full potential of your mind - just visit
    I am a Life Coach. If you'd like to work on your resolutions, goals and plans, give me a call at 210-496-0678, or email me at . I work with people on a wide variety of issues involving career, success, relationships, leadership, life skills and emotional intelligence.

    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    Bird Flu Kills Boys in Turkey


    According to the BBC today, a Turkish boy has died of the bird flu in human form, a sister is seriously ill, and a third brother has symptoms. The boys work on a chicken farm. They ate infected poultry they kept at the house.

    This is the first time the H5N1 strain has been detected outside east Asia, where it has killed at least 70 people.

    Your immune system is your first line of defense against bacteria, and your ONLY line of defense against viruses. There are no cures for viruses (such as bird flu). Check this out with your doctor.

    It's best to start building up your immune system now. You can find two products at Arbonne, "Get Well Now" and "Defense Builder". Ask me for more information if you'd like and shop conveniently with me at .

    Says BBC: "So far the disease appears only to have infected people who live or work closely with birds, but health experts fear it could mutate and spread among human populations as easily as common influenza."

    I have been taking DefenseBuilder for some time now. Every year in late December when the cedar pollinates in south Texas, I get a sinus infection (me and a lot of other people). For many, it goes into bronchitis, and pneumonia.

    This year was no exception. I was in the doctor's office Christmas Eve day. I got the same medication I always do, but instead of having it linger on, get worse, last a long time, by Christmas Day I felt great and was able to enjoy my holidays. Within two days I was virtually symptom-free.

    This is what a good immune system ("good health") can do for you. You will be able to fight many things off. Then, if you do get sick, which still happens, you are more likely to recover fast, and completely.

    Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    Did You Gain Weight over the Holidays?


    The holidays bring excesses of food, alcohol, sugar, emotions, and loafing.

    If you've gained a few pounds over the holidays and let your exercise routine slide, NOW is the time to regain control of your life. One of the best things you can model for your children is when to start and when to stop. So you ate too much over the holidays? One key to a sustaining lifestyle is to be able to stop immediately, and get that weight off.

    In light of emotional intelligence, which is facilitated by optimism, we know that the essence of this beneficial outlook is not the "up" side, it's the ability to stop the downward spiral. See how this works with weight gain?

    Studies show that being overweight or obese during childhood can lead to physical and mental health problems in later life, such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, back pain, low self-esteem and depression.

    So give yourself - - and your kids - - a break. Start immediately to change your diet and exercise regime. Your kids are watching.

    Use Arbonne weight loss products to help with discipline, focus and natural products for balanced nutrition.

    Here's a tip. When dieting, always take a great multi-vitamin like Arbonne's.


    Take It Off, Take It All Off!
    Item#: 1875

    Go Figure 8 Set Special

    Everything you need to go, go, go and get skinny! 1 Go Easy! Protein Shake with INNER G-PLEX, vanilla, 1 Go Easy! Protein Shake with INNER G-PLEX, chocolate, 1 Just Go! Orange Fiber Shake, 1 Going, Going, Gone! Dietary Supplement, 1 bag On the Go! weight loss chews, chocolate and 1 Figure 8 Shaker Cup free! Plus, 1 bag On the Go! weight loss chews, Berry Burst FREE (an $18) value!)
    Price: $122.00 US
    And in case you need a little inspiration, did you read the article in the Washington Post by Susan Levine?

    It started with a study by the Irish that found that many patient's rear ends were too fat for regular-length needles to reach their target. Over on this side of the pond, one of our every three Americans is fat.

    The article goes on to talk about all the changes that are going to have to be made to accommodate obese people. The most sobering thing about the article is that it talks entirely of changes in the medical world, in the doctor's office, which is where you are likely to be a lot if you're overweight.

    Some examples: "...blood-pressure cuffs now come in 'large adult X long' for arms that don't fit smaller circumferences. Patient gowns can be ordered in size 5X, providing 'comfortable, comprehensive coverage,' according to the ad for one product. There are wheelchairs with seats up to four feet wide, scales that measure many hundreds of pounds [up to 600!] and hospital beds built sturdy enough to handle excessive loads...."

    In addition, physicians are starting to install loveseats in their waiting rooms for patients who cannot sit in regular chairs with arms.

    The article talks about how humiliating it is. Need it be said that it's also limiting to your health, and dangerous to your health?


    Sunday, January 01, 2006

    Help for your #1 Resolution - Lose Weight


    THE #1 RESOLUTION IN THE U.S. IS "LOSE WEIGHT". It's particularly important when you're single and dating, because the #1 request of men on the Internet dating sights is "no extra pounds."

    So here's how we do it.

    by guest writer Kathy Burns Millyard

    If you're planning to work harder on losing weight in the new year, it will help tremendously if you can figure out how to avoid the most common problem: Hunger.

    Many people make the mistake of starting a diet that restricts their food intake, or restricts certain kinds of foods. And many of these diet plans just make you hungry... and that makes weight loss even harder.

    This may be hard for you to believe, but certain foods actually make you hungrier. If you can avoid these, you'll go a lot farther with reaching your weight loss goals and resolutions this year.

    1. Sugar - Yes, it makes you hungrier. It's sly though... when you first down a can of sugary soda, or grab a doughnut on your way out the door, it seems to kill the hunger almost immediately. This happens though, because it spikes your blood sugar (glucose) levels. Within an hour or two of having that dose of sugar, your glucose levels start dropping drastically again and you start feeling ravenous again.

    2. Simple Starches - Pasta, white bread, white rice, and other simple starches are just another form of sugar to your body. They spike your glucose levels quickly, then when your body starts crashing you find yourself hunting through the fridge or visiting the vending machines again.

    3. Low Fat - This is one people don't like to hear... but I've tested it personally myself and with my family, plus I've researched it quite a bit. In short, keeping your fat intake too low will cause you to eat more, because it doesn't satiate you. If instead, you increase your fat intake even slightly - with "good" fats of course - you'll find yourself feeling full faster, and staying satiated longer. [Here we recommend you use Arbonne's NutriMin Fatty Acid Supplement. For me, it cuts out all craving for potato chips, mayonnaise and butter AND makes my hair shine!]

    In addition to adding a little fat to your eating habits [and the Arbonne's NutriMin Fatty Acid Supplement], one other excellent resource for feeling full longer is fiber. Now, it's not easy to add more fiber to your diet - particularly if you eat from boxes, or use a lot of frozen or microwave meals. Even the "high fiber" cereals you find these days have just 2 or 3 grams of fiber per serving. That's definitely better than the high sugar cereals, but it's not enough. Try eating raw veggies and fruits, and try buying some of the specialized foods that have recently come on the market with additional fiber in them. Quaker Oatmeal for instance, recently released a version of their product which has 6 or 8 grams of fiber per serving, and there are a few other cereals out with as much as 10 grams of fiber per serving.

    If you still need help getting additional fiber in your daily eating schedule, try a high quality fiber supplement like ProFibe [or Arbonne's Fiber supplement].

    © 2005, Kathy Burns-Millyard - Kathy is a professional published writer who covers a variety of popular topics such as health, fitness, decorating, and gardening. Find more HREF="">weight loss tips and resources
    Give yourself a break. Get ARBONNE'S Figure 9 Weight Loss Program. No ephedra. I love the Chews. Keep them with you and pop one in when you're craving. When you buy the whole package you get an incredible discount. Check it out1

    The hardest part of the diet is the last 10 lbs., when you've been dieting for a while, and are close to your desired weight. Victor Holtreman did it in just 9 weeks, and in his ebook he tells you how.

    "The Last 10 Lbs." is an extremely helpful ebook written by someone who figured out how to do it and tells you how. ORDER WEIGHT LOSS EBOOK HERE, just $12.95.

    What you'll find in "The Last 10 Pounds":

    · Continual fat loss: How you can keep your body from adapting.
    · Setting your goals. How do you figure out what's realistic?
    · The best exercises to lose weight quickly.
    · What kind of results to expect in what timeframe.
    · Determining your baseline.
    · You'll learn what to eat.
    · You'll learn to determine how much to eat.
    · How to lose fat and still enjoy your favorite foods.
    · The absolutely critical thing that most people never do.
    · How to keep yourself absolutely on track.
    · What types of workouts you should be doing.
    · How often to work out.

    What you will not find:

    · This is not a plan that crosses your favorite foods off your list forever.
    · This does not involve the use of supplements to boost your metabolism.
    · This is not a "lose 10 pounds (of water weight) in 2 days" diet.
    · ...or any other kind of "lose fat while you sleep" or whatever else nonsense.


    If you order, in addition to the eBook you will also receive the following:

    --Access to a message board where I will answer your questions, help you with your progress, and where you can discuss the techniques in "The Last 10 Pounds" with others.

    --A custom spreadsheet I've developed for tracking your overall weight and body fat loss progress with just two easy measurements done once a week.

    --Links to cutting edge fitness resources on the web.


    To guard your health during the process, order Arbonne supplements and Figure 8 HERE. It's crucial when dieting to make sure you take a good nutraceutical so you'll stay healthy, and DefenseBuilder for your immune system. It's just as important when you're not dieting because we no longer get the nutrition we need from our food.
