Saturday, February 11, 2006


You can have your own home business and product line as a Wellness and EQ Coach. Let me train and certify you. Get some muscle in your Internet business, and attract new, long-term customers with the total preventive healthcare approach of coaching. For information, email me at

Get ready for Valentine's Day with a New Look. Check here for total MAKEOVER cosmetics, nutraceuticals and anti-aging skincare products.


The pace of modern life takes its toll on our bodies and our skin in myriad ways. More and more we find that we are succumbing to the effects that our polluted atmosphere is having on our skin. Dirt, smoke, grime, and excessive exposure to the
sun all have a serious impact on the health of our skin.

Health and beauty experts the world over, understand the need for effective treatments for aging and dry skin. The treatment of aging and dry skin is not limited to those of us who have reached middle age, when the signs of aging skin are most apparent, but in fact, the treatment of aging and dry skin should be a regular part of everyone's health & beauty regime.

Everyone wants to be healthy and strong; as we age, our continued health and strength is closely related to how we treat our bodies as well as the foods that we eat. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and fitness regime while we are young is easier than trying to switch to healthy living later in life.

Young people are not always aware that their early food choices may affect their health for their entire life. Many American teens live on a steady diet of junk foods; like pizza, ice cream, hash browns, cheeseburgers, candy, sodas and other
unhealthy food. These foods appeal to the taste buds but slowly deplete the body of nutrients and vitamins.

Foods like pizza and soda are harmful to the body because they have a tendency to increase the quantity of fat in the body, but they are also harmful to the overall health of the skin. Sodas in particular and foods with large quantities of fat induce acne, pimples, and patchy skin.

Pimples can seem to a teenager like their worse nightmare. Apart from how they affect the appearance, pimples also increase the likelihood of permanent scarring to the skin. The treatment for aging and dry skin should effectively begin while you are still in your 20's. If viewed from a preventative perspective, the early treatment of aging and dry skin can save one years of anguish later. [See full line of acne products HERE. Used as a system, the effect is synergistic.]

The major reasons for aging of the skin are both internal, as in the genes we inherit from our parents as well as external, from exposure to the sun and other environmental causes. Aging from internal factors begins when we are still in our mid 20's. The signs are not obvious then, but they are present.

As the collagen in our skin starts to deplete, the skin loses elastin, the substance that allows the skin to spring back into place. Dead skin is also not as quickly replaced and new skin cell turnover declines. All of these factors are genetically controlled and must be considered when deciding a treatment method for aging and dry skin.

External factors, such as exposure to the sun leaves the skin vulnerable to heat, radiation and ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays harm the skin and may also be a factor in the development of skin cancer. Over the years, just a few minutes' worth of exposure to the sun daily without protection can result in wrinkles, age spots, freckles, and patchy, rough skin.

Prevention is key in treating aging and dry skin. Although you cannot erase the process of aging and turn it around, you can protect your skin and help it stay younger by following a few simple rules:

- Avoid going into the sun between 10:00am to 4:00pm when the sun is at its strongest.
- Wear a hat to protect your eyes, face and hair from the sun's rays.
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Drink plenty of water

All of these measures are beneficial for the skin. However if you feel that your skin needs more comprehensive treatment you should consider consulting a professional dermatologist who will advise you about the various skin treatments available. Some options may include lasers, radio frequency, chemical fillers,
botox injections, and microdermabrasion.

There are also consumer products on the market that are extremely effective in combating the signs of aging. Skin care specialists are making use of emerging scientific information about how to keep skin looking its best.

A product called RejuvinolT from can be a powerful weapon in the fight against aging says its makers. RejuvinolT is enhanced with advanced anti-oxidants and vitamins, which reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and leaves skin firmer, younger-looking, more vibrant and healthier. Hyaluronic Acid, is included in the formula. It is a naturally occurring substance in the body, and one of the most effective moisturizing agents available.

RESOURCE BOX: Visit for the latest in Timeless Health and Fitness Tips for 2006. Discover the newest trends at the Fit After Forty Blog. Find them at... Http:// Article courtesy of Kamau Austin, © Copyright 2006

This article is for general information purposes only. Before undertaking any exercise or treatment program always check first with your doctor and health professionals.

Why Become a Coach


KEYWORDS: network marketing, marketing, Arbonne, health, coach, coach certification, EQ coach, wellness, wellness coach, certified coach, success, entrepreneur, music, stress, mobbing, bullying, changing beliefs, psychology, money, internet marketing, nutraceuticals, wellness products, business

SUMMARY: It isn’t as easy to make money at network marketing as they’d like you to believe. You need to position yourself uniquely, and build a marketing strategy around a synergistic package as a certified Wellness/EQ coach. From this platform, you can launch!

“Network Marketing Business Going Down the Tubes?”
by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ & Wellness Coach

Let’s face it, building an Internet business isn’t easy. How do you get customers? How do you keep them? What’s the hook besides just being another person selling another something, like everyone else trying to get rich quick on the Internet.

The trick it to position your product around something greater and more sustaining, and there’s a field specifically designed to make this possible. It’s called coaching! It adds the synergy that can get you launched.

Become a certified professional coach and you immediately stand out from the crowd. You give yourself credibility with your customers, and hugely increase your influence-base. You immediately operationalize your product. The person can see it as part of their life. You become someone who meets needs, not someone who just sells a widget.

Coaching developed because it was needed. It’s a source for people who want to make positive changes in their lives. The typical profile of a coaching client is someone motivated, educated, above the mean in income. Coaching is Internet-driven, conducted mostly by phone, so you have people already Internet savvy, ready and willing to buy.

Becoming a certified Wellness/EQ Coach is a simple process. It’s fresh, it’s new, and EQ is so hot. It’s an investment in your business that will allow you to get more customers and clients, keep them longer, and recruit more sellers under you. The major goals are getting your clients on auto-ship and getting others to sell for you. Being a coach attracts more qualified people your way. You can swing a much wider net.

As a certified Health Coach and EQ Coach you become a person who can meet many needs that are inter-related in ways that makes sense to your clients and customers and have a powerful synergy.

Here’s an example. We know that emotions effect the immune system, and that the immune system is, quite literally our health. We have antibiotics for infections, but there is nothing for a virus like flu or Bird flu. Your immune system is your FIRST line of defense against a bacteria, and your ONLY line of defense against a virus. But don’t take my word for it, I’m not a doctor, ask your own doctor about viruses.

Now here’s how it works.

If I’m coaching someone who’s stressed, or looking for a more balanced lifestyle, of course they are going to need to look at all the parts of their life – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. (These folks trying to get on the bandwagon with “SQ” and things like that are missing the boat – it’s all in EQ.) Once I assess their situation, I can recommend many things. I can offer coaching on EQ after they take The EQ-Map and we find out where the deficits are. My ebook, “About Changing Beliefs, Self-limiting Thoughts and What to Accept,”. A good dietary supplement like DefenseBuilder from Arbonne. Club Vivo Per Lei / I Live for Music, for stress relief. I think we all intuitively know that one answer, like “get a daytimer” or “exercise more” isn’t going to do it. You want to have a smorgasbord for your potential customers and clients.

If they’re stressed at work or want to advance, they might need EQ coaching, my ebook, “How to Build Your Career with Emotional Intelligence", or “Mobbing and Bullying”, new cosmetics and a makeover, and the StrengthsFinder Profile from “Now Discover Your Strengths”.

Or let’s say they’re single and looking for a great guy. I can offer “Midlife Dating Survival Manual for Women,” membership in MillionaireMatch or eHarmony, individual coaching, cosmetics and a makeover, and individual coaching in EQ, because that’s what drives successful relationships.

You can see how when you’re a certified Wellness/EQ Coach, you’re positioned uniquely, and you’re a one-stop shopping center. You can plan a strategy of quality services and products, offering your clients and customers what they intuitively know works.

The formula for successful network marketing: Take a look at your product. Get certified as a coach. Then father other passive revenue streams around it, and promote it all, as a synergistic package, from your website, articles on the Internet, and blog. Don’t forget to ping your blog.

Susan Dunn. I train and certify coaches, provide individual coaching and business programs, ebooks, Internet courses, and am an Arbonne consultant. Visit my website to learn more.

Become a certified EQ/Wellness coach and watch your network marketing take off.

Become an Arbonne consultant and affiliate with the best. I screen every affiliate, as my reputation depends upon it. I choose only the best. Arbonne products include baby products, weight loss, anti-aging skincare, hormone replacement, shaving cream, and nutraceuticals.

Let me help you build a synergistic package as a certified coach that positions you uniquely and adds many strategies for promoting your products and services and adding more passive revenue streams that strengthen your credibility and selling power. Everyone wants to be financially independent. Let me help you reach your dream.
